Transfer 机会

Start 你r four-year degree at 加拿大广播公司

Take advantage of quality instructors, low tuition and small class sizes by completing 你r first 90 credits at 加拿大广播公司 and then transferring to a four-year institution in Washington 状态. You can also complete a Bachelor's degree at 加拿大广播公司 and continue onto a graduate program.


The following 加拿大广播公司 degrees will transfer directly to Washington 状态 public four-year 大学. Out-of-state and private 大学 may also accept our degrees when 你 transfer to one of them. Once 你 enroll at 加拿大广播公司, 你 should work with a completion 教练 to explore transfer options and develop 你r transfer plans.

Direct Transfer Agreement (AA/DTA)
Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Programs (AA/DTA/MRP)
Associate in Science – Transfer (AS-T)
Associate in Applied Science – Transfer (AAS-T)

*All Associate degrees (AA/DTA, AA/DTA/MRP, AS-T, AAS, AAS-T) are transferrable to 加拿大广播公司’s Bachelor of Applied Science programs.


Direct Program Transfer 协议

加拿大广播公司 has specific agreements in place to help 你 directly transfer 你r degree to the following colleges and 大学. These may be general programs or very specific 专业. 请 work with 你r completion 教练 and the transfer institution to make sure 你 are taking the appropriate courses.

加拿大广播公司 offers an Associate in 艺术 and 科学-Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA).

Many of these institutions apply provisos in accepting the DTA associate degree. 请 view the provisos for the institutions of 你r interest.

Preparing Your Transfer Plan

  • 访问 the websites of other institutions to review the 专业 offered and their transfer admission requirements.
  • 检查 加拿大广播公司日历 and attend transfer events.
  • Read the Transfer Tips & FAQs at the bottom of this page.
  • Meet with 你r completion 教练 if 你 need assistance.
  • Maintain a strong GPA.

Your Transfer Options: What to Consider

First make a list of institutions 你 would like to learn more about. 至少选择 三个. Once 你 have a list of institutions 你 would like to consider, go to each of their websites to research following:

  • 学术研究
  • 位置
  • Type of institution
  • Types of program and offerings
  • 大小
  • Demographic information
  • 支持服务
  • 成本
  • 协议

Planning Takes Time

Now that 你 have researched transfer institutions, the next step is to gather some more specific information:

  • Attend Transfer Events
  • 咨询老师
  • Confirm 你r Academic Pathway with 你r completion 教练.
  • Fill out necessary forms (e.g., transfer intent form) as advised by 你r completion 教练.
  • 访问 the institutions 你’re interested in transferring to and determine if each school is a good fit. This is also the perfect time to confirm their admissions/enrollment process and financial/scholarship opportunities.
  • Inquire about additional courses or requirements expected by 你r transfer institutions 感兴趣的.
  • Continue to submit necessary forms as needed with 你r completion 教练..
  • Meet with 你r completion 教练 if 你 need assistance.
  • Maintain a strong GPA.

Narrowing Down and Confirming 你r Decision

If after 你 have followed all of these steps, 你 still can’t narrow 你r list down or decide on 你r top two or 三个 transfer options, try the following options:

  • Schedule a Campus Tour or Open House event - sometimes visiting the transfer institution 可以帮助. Check if 你 see 你rself attending this institution.
  • Request that Admissions connect 你 with a student like 你rself who is attending 这个机构. Ask them about their experience and/or any questions that admissions office cannot answer.
  • Confirm the admissions requirements and enrollment process.
  • Confirm 你r financial aid and whether any scholarships 你 are awarded will be offered once or until 你 graduate from there.

Transfer Tips and FAQs 

The Washington 状态 Board for Community and Technical Colleges provides some helpful resources and information to guide 你 on 你r four-year journey after 你r time at 加拿大广播公司!


学生 who complete certain courses selected from within the general education categories listed at public community, technical, four-year college or university in Washington 状态 will be able to transfer and apply a maximum of 45 quarter credits toward general education requirement(s) at any other public and most private higher education institutions 在这个州.


Front entrance to the H建筑 on 加拿大广播公司's Pasco campus